Monday, June 6, 2011

Gavin is turning 3!

Where has the last year gone?! I feel like we just celebrated Gavin's 2nd birthday and here he is turning 3! As much as he has changed in the past year, one thing that is always consistent with Gavin is his sweet personality. Even when he was just an infant, I always thought he had such a sweetness about him and he has never lost that. He loves to give hugs and kisses (or pisses as he might say!) He'll say, "Mama, i need a piss!" We are working on correcting that one! He loves to taste everyones drinks and always says, "May I have a bink of your bink please?" He is such a good little boy and so much fun to be around. He has such a fun sense of humor and loves to make people laugh. What a joy our little Gavin is! He still loves his trains and when I asked him what kind of party he wanted to have, he said trains......and cars and planes and boats and trucks and tractors. He is such a boy! So thats what we did. We had a great time with all our friends celebrating his birthday at our house. I asked him later how he liked his party and he said, "I just loved it!" His sweet smile melts my heart. I love you Gavin James! Happy 3rd birthday!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

His "p" for the "k" substitution is hilarious! That will be a funny story to tell him one day!